Prayer Request

Thank you for coming this far in faith. Even if you don’t have it. You haven’t been led to this point by coincidence. The word of God tells us that all who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth will be saved. I was an atheist who was consistently prayed over, taken to hell, called into ministry and here we are.

He tells us that if we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; the things we desire will be added unto us. If we ask in faith, unwavering, we can speak to mountains and command them to be moved. We can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us, and when two or more are gathered together in his name, he’s here in the midst of us. 

This company was led into creation only to Glorify God and to seek and save what was lost of his house. Send us your request below and we’ll be honored to help not only your will be done, but our Father’s.

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